Tornillos y Aceros Monterrey is a company established in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Since its inception in 2003, the focus of the business has been on the sale of fasteners. Thanks to a nurtured culture of teamwork and a remarkable reputation for a deep commitment to its customers, TYAMSA has emerged as a national market leader in the industry. Today, fasteners from Tornillos y Aceros Monterrey are key components of the most important public works as well as of private industrial projects in the country. TYAMSA’s growth has been steady thanks to people who really care on a day to day basis about providing the best quality service, the fastest turnaround time in the market and doing so at the right price for our clients. We, at Tyamsa, offer one of the largest inventory of fasteners in Mexico. True to our roots, our commitment is to continue servicing you. . We keep it together. . we are TYAMSA.
TYAMSA strives to be the connection piece with you, always committed to build something bigger to serve you better.
Being leaders in the international fastener's distribution market starting today to unite our bases through innovation and quality.
- Service – There are no small parts, just big commitments.
- Leadership – Being better, for the best.
- Efficiency – Fullfilled commitments.
- Adaptable - Customer is First
Keeping it together
One of the objectives of TYAMSA is reflected in this statement, from their workers, their customers and its suppliers at the end of the day with their products that are key to conform a society of raw materials needed to build something bigger. The purpose of the analogy is that people near TYAMSA, every person within the company, employees, customers and suppliers, are essential elements for building a successful unit.